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In and out of in a sentence

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Sentence count:205+5Posted:2018-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in and outdown-and-outin and of itselfout of thin airout of the ordinaryautosomal dominant disordercandourhandout
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(121) He had lost a lot of blood and was lapsing in and out of consciousness.
(122) These adapted themselves to a life in and out of work since they had a strong street culture with which to identify.
(123) Her distraught family were given the bombshell news yesterday as the model lapsed in and out of horrific hallucinations.
(124) The route peeks in and out of fir and pine, a gentle grade, just a 450-foot gain over 3 miles.
(125) Time to think myself in and out of any last minute
(126) Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt 
(127) During the night, strikers managed to sneak in and out of the building.
(128) Carol Buckley became so depressed that she attempted suicide and spent 1 years in and out of psychiatric hospitals.
(129) It snakes in and out of ports, along our busiest highways and through our most crowded cities.
(130) And then I became the observer of law students in and out of our home.
(131) This would enable all telephone calls in and out of their homes to be intercepted.
(132) Paradoxically, a true anti-sexist curriculum is one that encourages creative and political resistance - both in and out of school.
(133) Thursday afternoon, federal agents moved in and out of the substation carrying metal briefcases.
(134) Dominguez not only kicked superbly but darted in and out of tackles with sure-footed dexterity.
(135) Air Shower in and out of all the staff.
(136) You dabble in and out of different flavours.
(137) For the next several hours, Mr. Fox lapsed in and out of consciousness, Mr. Philippi says.
(138) Some missionaries, even American ones, are allowed in and out of the country,[] provided they do not evangelise.
(139) Too much heavy labour was involved in getting material in and out of the silo.
(140) The shutdown reportedly caused numerous flights delays in and out of Newark, stranding thousands of passengers.
(141) Wang's stout body was covered in cuts scabbed over with blood and pus, and he drifted in and out of sleep while talking to a reporter.
(142) Originally created for board sports like surfing or wake boarding, they come in funky patterns and look great both in and out of the water.
(143) They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flivver that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country.
(144) "Our people are in and out of prison all the time, " she says. "All I have to say is, 'Is so-and-so in or out?
(145) Seam cleverly uses bijection to allow data to flow in and out of each page of a "Web conversation" in a new, declarative manner.
(146) China has long restricted the free flow of funds in and out of the country, but the PBOC has noticeably loosened those restrictions in recent months.
(147) The shop-owner, hoping to raise the price to a round figure, pulled the rickshaw in and out of the shed, folded and unfolded the hood and sounded the horn, singing the vehicle's praises all the time.
(148) He's really starting to go downhill. In and out of the hospital.
(149) Satisfied serviced, advanced technology, reliable honor, top-ranking quality, competitive price, updating product, all these make the carpet sell well in and out of China.
(150) During a procedure at Kobe University's hospital, the unnamed doctor used the device to zoom in and out of medical images and video.
More similar words: in and outdown-and-outin and of itselfout of thin airout of the ordinaryautosomal dominant disordercandourhandouthand outfind outout-and-outstandoutout and outstand outsend outgrind outin doubtsound outround outout ofsplendourput offcut offcutoffcut-offon and offon and onundoubtedout of useshut off
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